Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Day 2!

Second day of pre-season was today, and although I was a little sore this morning, I didn't feel as bad as I had originally feared I would. I remember last season my shin splints started about the 2nd or 3rd practice, so I made sure to do extra stretching to try to avoid the same fate this year.

Conditioning: Still a lot of push-ups/sit-ups. My abs are burning tonight! Still, everyone talks about how important the core is when playing volleyball, so I don't say that as a complaint. We had a lot of drills tonight that involved chasing down freeballs, but their purpose wasn't COMPLETELY efficient as for whatever reason it seems a lot of our pro-touch volleyballs are missing... That's as much complaining as I'll do about that. It was still nice to do some sliding across the ground, although I skinned my hip already with one sprawl. It is what it is.

Playing: Actually did some passing today, so that was a nice change of pace. Nothing in-game though. I really hope we do serve-receive tomorrow, because we're only 4 days away from the Springfield tournament! Started the scrimmaging hitting outside. Was attempting to work on the shoot, but just wasn't happening, and the block was having a field day with me. The ball was a little inside the antenna, which I was struggling to adapt to, as I take a very sharp approach when running shoots. However, I started to heat up a bit once we went back to a hut-like ball to the pin. I suppose it makes sense to start with a higher ball, then speed it up as the timing comes back. Blocking went alright, although there weren't all that many opportunities to do so. It's gonna be awhile before I get used to that, as I blocked MUCH more frequently when I played opposite.

2 more practices, then an off day, then the big tournament at Springfield! We're splitting into two even teams for it, and it seems like as coach gets to know us, she's starting to figure out how she's going to do that. I'm just excited to get on the court and see what Springfield is bringing to the table this year. Off to bed, I'll have an update tomorrow night.

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