Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Rough Day, With a Rougher Day to Come...

The irony about me is with one leg longer than the other, standing in a place for an extended period of time can really mess with my body. I played 24 games this weekend and felt pretty good afterwards: The last two days, work has required me to stand looking down at small objects for 8 hours each day, and I feel like I've been hit by a train!

This did not bode well for me in my co-ed doubles league, as I played TERRIBLE as we dropped a set, which would be our third loss on the season. I may sound like a snob complaining about "dropping" to 25-3, but when you're tied at 12 and proceed to have four hitting errors in a row, it's disappointing knowing that playing even average for yourself most likely would have secured the win. I suppose I shouldn't complain going 5-1 on the day. Next week is the last one for the regular season, and going 3-1 will secure 1st, although being greedy I want/expect the 4-0. I am lucky to be able to click with the significant other on the court as well as we do off of it!

That being said, August 3rd is beginning to creep up on me, and I can't help but feel depressed knowing we're so close to the one-year anniversary of Coach Dave's passing. I will be helping Bob Vilsoet at the opening practice for the Harper Women's Volleyball team, and although I hope that it'll be a distraction from the pain I'll feel, I'm sure doing some coaching myself will only remind me more of him. Time will tell I suppose.

Anyways, I should shower and head to bed, just felt like posting as I'm trying to get back on track updating this thing. I will try to write something tomorrow as well.

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