Tuesday, February 17, 2009

One of Those Days...

I usually don't use this journal as a venting tool, but I feel that current thoughts could serve a purpose as it has to do with politics/frustrations of being a Division III athlete.

Not to get into detail, but we were called into the Athletic Director's office to get an exact number of money remaining for our fundraising efforts for the California trip. I had spent more time in this office than I had wanted to in December trying to save our trip. At the time, I was told that if everyone stayed on target from that point on in our raffle tickets, the trip would be good to go.

Long story short, this year we find out we have until Monday (6 days from now) to turn in the FULL year's fundraising amount of 1200 dollars. I will take responsibility in the fact that our contract had listed January 30th as the date that it was going to be due. On the other hand, it bothers me that it was never pointed out to us, and almost feel like it was a case of smoke & mirrors, as a) when the contract came about, we were pretty much focusing on the raffle portion, b) Jan. 30th came and went with no issues, nor was there a new date for it to be due, c) Previous years had given us the entire semester to do fundraising for it, d) why was there not more advance notice? Many of us are hundreds of dollars short. Had we known the date it was due, it probably would have changed the pace at which we were going. I know personally it would have changed mine.

Yesterday, I ran two suicides in practice for being late due to a miscommunication with a teammate, who said to a few of us that the leaving time for practice had changed when it indeed had not. No argument was made. Suicides were ran, practice went back to normal. After practice, I briefly talked with the coach, discussing the word-of-mouth error, and it was agreed that things need to be more concrete (e-mail was specifically mentioned).

Fast forward less than 24 hours, and I learn less than an hour before we're to head to Harvard that the time has changed. Word of mouth. From a player.

I don't ask for much, but it seems that the theme for the day (there are actually a few other things, but I figured whining about 2 sufficed for this post) is poor communication where in the end I'm being affected by it, which is a pet peeve. I suppose the lesson learned is to depend on others as little as possible and be thorough double checking situations. The joys of Division III.

Getting that off my chest, big match versus Harvard today! Did a little scouting report, and it looks as if they rely on 4 hitters, with that second middle position registering a total of 29 attempts in their 6(could be off one or two) matches. BIG senior middle, freshman 6'6 banger from Serbia that's mistake-prone, and 2 other outsides who get a decent amount of sets. Defense looks iffy. Definitely need to come to play tonight, but I'm confident. Time will tell.

Recap later tonight.

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