Thursday, July 22, 2010

Summer Recap

Although I have been terrible with the lack of updates this summer, discovering that a few of my relatives have blogs of their own and catching up on their lives has inspired me to take the time to give a cliff-notes version of how the summer has gone (their blogs have also re-inforced the fact that my blog is UGLY on the eyes - I may be contacting them for a little help on cleaning it up!). With about 2 weeks left before I begin the next chapter of my life, it's time to reflect on the last few months.

Graduate School: Although the process took MUCH longer than expected, I am officially accepted into the Masters of Collaborative Education program at Mercer University in Macon, GA! I'll serve as the Graduate Assistant for their women's volleyball team, which competes at the Division I level. I leave in two weeks, and will be beginning my duties upon arriving the first week of August. I am sad to leave Chicago yet again, but am very excited for the chance to coach this team. The coach and I share similar philosophies, the players are dedicated and are hungry to bounce back from last season, and the campus is gorgeous. I look forward to helping the team reach its goals!

Volleyball (Player): It has been the most successful season of my brief doubles career by far. Started it off with a personal-best in a pro tournament 7th place in Michigan. Took a 9th at my first EVP tournament of the season. Took 3rd in the Open division of the Volleywood tournament, and had my partner's leg not decided to cramp we may have won it the way we were playing. Won both co-ed tournaments I played, and plan on 3-peating this Sunday. The last tournament of the year for me is the Corona Wide Open on July 31st, and although the competition is going to be tough, I feel that my partner is strong and the old-school rules with the big court will cater to our playing style.

This is the first season I was able to get in the sand earlier than May, and boy did it pay off. I've been able to practice with some of Chicago's best talent, and have taken games off of players I couldn't touch the last few years. Although my quest for a blocker didn't work out at the beginning of the season, I believe I've given myself a good enough reputation where I'll have options the next sand season (getting one for my last tournament is something I'm definitely excited for!). Perhaps most exciting is the fact that I may have a sponsor that will allow me to travel and compete on the AVP tour next season, which would be a BIG step forward. Keep your fingers crossed!

Summer Clinics: I ran a ton of lessons this summer, and really enjoyed watching players progress. Last weekend I played a tournament where a few of my players made their doubles debut, and one team won their division while the other took a 3rd place. It was great to see them get some positive results from all the hard work they put in, and my only regret is that I won't get to watch them progress the next 2 years. With their work ethic, I have no doubt they'll continue to move up!

Although I was hoping for a longer post, I've got to get moving - but I have some other thoughts cluttering my mind which I'll share in the near future. Until next time...

2 last things:

1) As mentioned earlier, while I like the content I put in this blog, it could use a facelift regarding how it looks. Anyone have any experience with this that would be willing to help?

2) Most of you probably have heard the saying "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans". Obviously, things have changed a bit since I first started writing this blog. Although I'm not against the possibility, my plans for the future at the moment do not include playing indoor in Europe. That being said, I could use a new name for the blog. Suggestions are welcome :)